
Showing posts from January, 2019

Killer whales

I read two articles that talked about killer whales and one of the articles talked about “should there be sea pens or sea tanks in sea world.” And another one was about in Miami Florida the last orca whale was born because they said that they won’t breed them anymore. I think that one they should not breed anymore and that they should let the orca whales go because I don’t think it’s right to one hold them in captivity and two they should not do tests on the whales. So yea that’s my post today

My opinion

I believe that we should not have uniforms because if you have uniforms than you are not different and I think it is good to be different. I Also  think that if you were uniforms then you don’t get to show of your unique style. Another thing is that maybe you could have a dress code and no uniforms so that they have more freedom to dress how they like but not get into trouble. I also want to bring up that don’t you think that kids would get more in trouble if they had uniforms because if they forget then they get in trouble and one thing that I know that kids do for sure is they like to go against your wishes so they would break the uniforms only dress code so they could be different. So if you don’t have uniforms you don’t have problems.

My one word for 2019

My one word of 2019 is positive. My word is positive because 2018 was full of people who would be negative and would bring me down and I wasn’t really positive and I lost humor in a lot of things but I’m gaining it back. My 2018 was also full of people that would be kind and then mean. Now I want to leave the negative past behind and be positive again so that my word of 2019. Bye