
Showing posts from November, 2018

Chicago history

My Chicago history project is about st.valintines day massacre. I chose this because it really stood out to me because I love learning about Chicago history or any history. So far I have made a doucument of notes and i hi light the ones that are important or that I see is important an interesting fact I learned is that several men were murderd and they were lined up when they got killed. I really like what I chose so yeah I am happy that I choose this topic and it is really interesting to me. Another thing is that al Capone blamed his arch nemesis and his arch nemesis blamed him for the guys death. So I am happy anyways bye!


Thanksgiving break my parents work 2 out of the 3 days we have off so yeah I’m gonna be alone with my siblings and we’ll im probably gonna just avoid them and whatch tv because that’s what I do I avoid them. On thanksgiving day i am going to my grandmas and grandpas house for breakfast then I’m going downstairs in my apartment and eat thanksgiving dinner with my step family. So I’m gonna be bored and I’m gonna just watch tv and read. So yeah. BYE!


HIIIIIIIIII it’s a free post and I don’t know what to write about because um i don’t really know what to um write about so yeah.... uh I went to Florida like I don’t know a week ago I came back to school on Halloween. It was fun and I spent it with my brother mostly. Uh it’s almost my brothers birthday and I am happy because I want to see how my brother acts on his birthday because he doesn’t want a party. But I am writing and yea. I GOT STUCK IN DUCK TAPE on Sunday it hurt a lot and I almost had a break down I thought it was going to be a good birthday present for my step mom but it wasn’t. Thanks for reading If you did bye.

Quarter 1

I think I did well this last quarter. I got good grades when I got my papers back I understood the things we learn. And I know how to make a plot diagram now so that is good. I learned a lot in quarter one and I think I did well on my test from what the grade was. I think I could get better and try to focus more and not day dream but if I do it here the well I should stop day dreaming in any other class I have... it’s a problem. And I think I should try and read more and try a series because I do not read a lot of series. So yeah I think I could do better and meet my goal by focusing more.


On Halloween i went to school and it was fun we learned but also played games and stuff. Like in ELA we played bingo after writing and having silent reading and in math we played games to help us understand what we’re learning and we watched a movie. After school was over I got dressed in my costume and whatched Halloween #4 after we watched the movie my step mom came and we went trick or treating. After a while of getting candy I went home watched another horror movie then went to eat dinner I ate...TACOS. And that was my Halloween.